As a young girl I was confused as to what I wanted to do when I finished school. I met a friend’s dad who is in the industrial design industry at the age of fifteen. I started off job-shadowing this man. I realised that this field was a combination of everything I love doing. When I got into university, I realised that this man did not want me working for him — not because I was not a good designer, but due to the fact that I was a young female. He started to show interest in me. When I rejected him, things got ugly, he swore at me and told me that I was the unprofessional one. I have witnessed firsthand how hard it can be to be a female in this ‘male dominated’ industry. It made me question myself as a designer. How could the man who started my industrial design journey also be the man that could have ruined it? Lucky for me, I am strong willed and know my worth as a person and as a designer. I will continue to do what I love because I want to be the change this industry needs.
Student - Taught Postgraduate